How to Come Across as Economically Illiterate

1) Condemn “capitalism” without having at least some vague understanding of the differences between such things as laissez-faire principles, Keynesian theory, Marxism etc.

2) Assert that there is any remote semblance of a free market existing in large scale.

3) Assert that free market principles are to blame for any given economic problem. Disregard or outright ignore state intervention in markets, past or present while doing so.

4) Assert that shortages are necessarily the fault of those with “abundance”. See point 5.

5) Follow from the premise that wealth can only be extracted and not generated; that wealth accumulation occurs in a zero-sum-game scenario (as seen under a pie-chart model) regardless of perceived mutual benefit.

6) Assert that voluntary transactions are “exploitative” / justify using force against those engaging in voluntary transactions.

7) Assert that scarcity can somehow be eliminated. Rely on appeals to emotion to back your claims.

8) Ignore profit and loss scenarios when they don’t apply to monetary units under the preclusion that it is somehow a completely different system at work.

9) Assert that free market principles operate within a monopolistic fiat currency system. See point 10.

10) Disregard the effects of central banking or better yet, remain ignorant of what central banking is.